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5 Tips to Help Quit Smoking

Did you know smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in Australia? Even if you have tried over and over to quit smoking, it is never too late to quit.

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What Is Hypnotherapy and 15 Ways It Can Change Your Life

Have you ever felt like you’ll never break a certain habit? Or have you been struggling to get a restful night of sleep?

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10 Reasons Why You Need to Try Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

What does hypnosis make you think of? Counting backward from 10? Going to sleep? Someone watching an object as it sways back and forth? These are media-generated myths, perpetuated by movies and fictional novels.

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How Hypnotherapy Can Help with Binge Eating and Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy is a technique used to help people overcome an array of issues through the use of hypnosis. This alternative form of therapy can aid in changing the mindset, and also helps in reprogramming the brain to stop bad habits that result in weight gain, binge eating, and emotional eating.

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COVID-19: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Life in lockdown can have mental health impacts. There’s financial worries, job insecurity, homeschooling pressure and relationship strain. You matter too. It’s so easy to neglect self-care but it’s vital. You can’t pour out of an empty cup, meaning you can’t sustain caring for others without caring for yourself too.

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Life After Lockdown

As things are slowly reverting back to normal – shops are open, cafés and restaurants are open and the city is starting to be busy again. We gain a sense of security that finally we are coming out of lockdown and we survived COVID-19. Some people go back to the way things were, some people do not; being in lockdown made us see things in a different perspective.

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Hypnosis for Sugar Addiction

Do you find yourself addicted to eating sugar? And now you want to overcome it? Because deep down, you know you love it, but it is hazardous to your health. Find out how Stellar Hypnotherapy can help you control your sugar addiction once and for all.

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