<span data-buffer="">Break free from fear and pain with Hypnotherapy <span data-metadata="">
Whether you want to create a breakthrough from the mundanities of life, eliminate negative beliefs, self-doubt, insecurities, and fear, or simply want to disassociate yourself from past energies, you’ve come to the right place.
Stellar Hypnotherapy can aid in treating a variety of mental health concerns including fears (fear of flying, public speaking, needles and more) depression, anxiety, ADHD and panic attack disorder.

<span data-buffer="">What is Hypnotherapy for Fear and Trauma<span data-buffer="">
Hypnotherapy is an alternative therapy that considers you as a whole person – your emotions, mind, body and spirit.
The brain has different levels of consciousness, or awareness, ranging from fully alert to drowsy to fully asleep, with variations in between. Hypnotic states occur naturally and spontaneously.
Contrary to common belief, Hypnotherapy is not mind control. Rather, it is a voluntary, natural state of mind that can happen regularly, without you even being aware. It occurs when you’re relaxed or zoned out whilst watching TV or doing the dishes, for example.
During a Hypnotherapy session, you are completely in control while being guided to a dream-like state of relaxation, where your mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions aligned with your goals.
Since Hypnotherapy is an altered state of focused consciousness, you will be in control all the time. Contrary to misconceptions, hypnotherapy is actually a natural state of mind, so it is completely safe.
Ready to conquer your fears and finally free yourself from years of trauma? You’re in the right place. Try hypnotherapy today!
As a licensed and certified clinical hypnotherapist specializing in fear and trauma, whether it’s your first step or a repeated one, rest assured, I’ve successfully guided many before you through this journey!